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Captured soldier urges countrymen to get out of Ukraine

MOSCOW, September 27. /TASS/. A captured soldier from the 25th Separate Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces has called on his fellow countrymen to leave the country before things fall apart completely there, according to a video released by the Russian Defense Ministry.
Vasily Kozub said in the video that he was forcibly taken to the army straight off the street. Along with many other soldiers, he was sent to the front lines and promised rotation, which never happened. Kozub surrendered without a fight when Russian troops entered his dugout.
“Ordinary guys are being grabbed off the street while those with money sit comfortably at home. The West is using Ukrainians as proxies in this war, while the situation in the country is only getting worse. <…> Leave Ukraine for other countries because there’s no light at the end of this tunnel,” Kozub added.
